Cooking Oil Machine
Capacity of 1500 liters / day
To process the oil into cooking oil
Mesin Minyak Goreng
Capacity of 1500 liters / day
To process the oil into cooking oil
Mesin Minyak Goreng
Mengola CPO menjadi Minyak goreng
PROCESS DESCRIPTION OF COOKING OIL FACTORYCooking Oil Processing Factory is a factory that produces cooking oil from raw materials CPO (Crude Palm Oil). CPO obtained from the pressing process and extraction millers still contain components that are undesirable free fatty acids (FFA = Free Fatty Acid), resins, gums, proteins, phosphatides, pigments color and odor. To be used as a food ingredient, the CPO should be processed again in Cooking Oil Processing Plant.
Broadly speaking, the process in Cooking Oil Processing Plant consists of the process of refining (purification) and fractionation (fractionation). The purification process consists of the degumming, neutralization, bleaching and deodorization processes. The oil obtained from the refining process consists of olein (cooking oil) and stearin, separated stearin fractionation process of olein. To clarify the edible oil processing flow is shown in the block diagram of the oil into Cooking Oil Processing as follows:
Pabrik Pengolahan Minyak Goreng (PPMG) ini adalah pabrik yang memproduksi minyak goreng dari bahan baku CPO (Crude Palm Oil / minyak sawit mentah). CPO yang diperoleh dari hasil proses pressing dan ekstraksi di Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (PKS) masih mengandung komponen-komponen yang tidak diinginkan yaitu asam lemak bebas (FFA = Free Fatty Acid), resin, gum, protein, fosfatida, pigmen warna dan bau. Agar dapat dipergunakan sebagai bahan makanan, maka CPO tersebut harus diproses lagi di Pabrik Pengolahan Minyak Goreng.
Secara garis besar proses pada Pabrik Pengolahan Minyak Goreng terdiri dari proses refining (pemurnian) dan fractionation (fraksionasi). Proses pemurnian terdiri dari proses degumming, proses netralisasi, proses bleaching dan proses deodorisasi. Minyak yang diperoleh dari proses refining terdiri dari olein (minyak goreng) dan stearin, dalam proses fraksionasi stearin dipisahkan dari olein. Untuk memperjelas alur proses pengolahan minyak goreng dapat dilihat pada diagram blok Pengolahan CPO menjadi Minyak Goreng sebagai berikut :
Degumming Process
Degumming process aims to eliminate dissolved substances or substances that are colloidal, such as resins, gums, proteins and phosphatides in crude oil. In principle degumming process is the formation and floc-floc binding of dissolved substances and substances in the colloidal nature of crude oil, so that the floc-floc formed large enough to be separated from the oil. Degumming process most widely used today is the degumming process using acid. The effect of acid was agglomerate and precipitate substances such as proteins, phosphatides, gums and resins contained in crude oil.
Degumming Process
Degumming process aims to eliminate dissolved substances or substances that are colloidal, such as resins, gums, proteins and phosphatides in crude oil. In principle degumming process is the formation and floc-floc binding of dissolved substances and substances in the colloidal nature of crude oil, so that the floc-floc formed large enough to be separated from the oil. Degumming process most widely used today is the degumming process using acid. The effect of acid was agglomerate and precipitate substances such as proteins, phosphatides, gums and resins contained in crude oil.
Proses Degumming
Proses Degumming
Proses degumming bertujuan untuk menghilangkan zat-zat yang terlarut atau zat-zat yang bersifat koloidal, seperti resin, gum, protein dan fosfatida dalam minyak mentah. Pada prinsipnya proses degumming ini adalah proses pembentukan dan pengikatan flok-flok dari zat-zat terlarut dan zat-zat yang bersifat koloidal dalam minyak mentah, sehingga flok-flok yang terbentuk cukup besar untuk bisa dipisahkan dari minyak. Proses degumming yang paling banyak digunakan dewasa ini adalah proses degumming dengan menggunakan asam. Pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh asam tersebut adalah menggumpalkan dan mengendapkan zat-zat seperti protein, fosfatida, gum dan resin yang terdapat dalam minyak mentah.
Neutralization Process
The process of neutralization or the refining of crude oil deasidifikasi aims to remove free fatty acids contained in crude oil. Free fatty acids (FFA) can cause a rancid odor.
Neutralization process is most often used in the chemical industry is the process of neutralization with caustic soda, a saponification reaction between the principle of free fatty acids with caustic soda solution, the reaction penyabunannya as follows:
R ---- COOH R-COONa + NaOH + H2O
The optimum reaction conditions at atmospheric pressure is at a temperature of 70 ° C, where the reaction is an equilibrium reaction will shift to the right.
Caustic soda reacted usually exaggerated, about 5% of the stokiometris. Soap is formed is separated by precipitation. Caustic soda in addition to functioning as neutralizing the free fatty acids, also possess the color remover (decoulorization).
The process of neutralization or the refining of crude oil deasidifikasi aims to remove free fatty acids contained in crude oil. Free fatty acids (FFA) can cause a rancid odor.
Neutralization process is most often used in the chemical industry is the process of neutralization with caustic soda, a saponification reaction between the principle of free fatty acids with caustic soda solution, the reaction penyabunannya as follows:
R ---- COOH R-COONa + NaOH + H2O
The optimum reaction conditions at atmospheric pressure is at a temperature of 70 ° C, where the reaction is an equilibrium reaction will shift to the right.
Caustic soda reacted usually exaggerated, about 5% of the stokiometris. Soap is formed is separated by precipitation. Caustic soda in addition to functioning as neutralizing the free fatty acids, also possess the color remover (decoulorization).
Proses Netralisasi
Proses Netralisasi
Proses netralisasi atau deasidifikasi pada pemurnian minyak mentah bertujuan untuk menghilangkan asam lemak bebas yang terdapat dalam minyak mentah. Asam lemak bebas (FFA) dapat menimbulkan bau yang tengik.
Proses netralisasi yang paling sering digunakan dalam industri kimia adalah proses netralisasi dengan soda kostik, dengan prinsip reaksi penyabunan antara asam lemak bebas dengan larutan soda kostik, yang reaksi penyabunannya sebagai berikut :
R----COOH + NaOH R-COONa + H2O

Soda kostik yang direaksikan biasanya berlebihan, sekitar 5 % dari kebutuhan stokiometris. Sabun yang terbentuk dipisahkan dengan cara pengendapan. Soda kostik disamping berfungsi sebagai penetralisir asam lemak bebas, juga memiliki sifat penghilang warna (decoulorization).
Bleaching Process
The process of bleaching (bleaching) is intended to reduce or eliminate the dyes (pigments) in the crude oil, either dissolved or dispersed.
Colors can be derived from crude oil innate color or color that arise in the process of processing the oil into cooking oil. Pigment commonly found in the crude oil is a carotenoid that is red or yellow, and phaephytin chlorophillida green.
Bleaching process used is bleaching the absorption process. This process uses an absorbent substance (absorbent) activity that has a high surface to absorb the dye contained in the crude oil. Besides absorbing dyes, absorbent can absorb colloidal substances that have properties such as gums and resins.
Absorbent of the most widely used in the bleaching process oils and fats are ground pemucat (bleaching Erath) and charcoal (carbon). Arang are very effective in the disappearances pigment red color, green and blue, but because the price are too expensive then in its use usually mixed with the ground pemucat by the number of who adjusted against this type crude oil which akan bleaching.
Bleaching Process
The process of bleaching (bleaching) is intended to reduce or eliminate the dyes (pigments) in the crude oil, either dissolved or dispersed.
Colors can be derived from crude oil innate color or color that arise in the process of processing the oil into cooking oil. Pigment commonly found in the crude oil is a carotenoid that is red or yellow, and phaephytin chlorophillida green.
Bleaching process used is bleaching the absorption process. This process uses an absorbent substance (absorbent) activity that has a high surface to absorb the dye contained in the crude oil. Besides absorbing dyes, absorbent can absorb colloidal substances that have properties such as gums and resins.
Absorbent of the most widely used in the bleaching process oils and fats are ground pemucat (bleaching Erath) and charcoal (carbon). Arang are very effective in the disappearances pigment red color, green and blue, but because the price are too expensive then in its use usually mixed with the ground pemucat by the number of who adjusted against this type crude oil which akan bleaching.
3 Proses Bleaching
Proses bleaching (pemucatan) dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan zat-zat warna (pigmen) dalam minyak mentah, baik yang terlarut ataupun yang terdispersi.
Warna minyak mentah dapat berasal dari warna bawaan minyak ataupun warna yang timbul pada proses pengolahan CPO menjadi minyak goreng. Pigmen yang biasa terdapat di dalam suatu minyak mentah ialah carotenoid yang berwarna merah atau kuning, chlorophillida dan phaephytin yang berwarna hijau.
Proses bleaching yang digunakan adalah proses bleaching dengan absorbsi. Proses ini menggunakan zat penyerap (absorben) yang memiliki aktivitas permukaan yang tinggi untuk menyerap zat warna yang terdapat dalam minyak mentah. Disamping menyerap zat warna, absorben juga dapat menyerap zat yang memiliki sifat koloidal lainnya seperti gum dan resin.
Absorben yang paling banyak digunakan dalam proses bleaching minyak dan lemak adalah tanah pemucat (bleaching erath) dan arang (carbon). Arang sangat efektif dalam penghilangan pigmen warna merah, hijau dan biru, tetapi karena harganya terlalu mahal maka dalam pemakaiannya biasanya dicampur dengan tanah pemucat dengan jumlah yang disesuaikan terhadap jenis minyak mentah yang akan dipucatkan.
Deodorization process
Deodorization process aims to reduce or eliminate taste and odor are not required in the oil for food. The compounds that cause taste and odor are usually unsaturated carbohydrate compounds, free fatty acids with low molecular weight compounds aldehydes and ketones as well as compounds that have other high volatility. Levels of the compounds mentioned above, although quite small was enough to give taste and odor, the levels are between 0.001 to 0.1%.
Deodorization process a lot is steam distillation method based on the difference in price volatility glycerides with compounds that cause taste and odor, which compounds are more volatile than in the glycerides. Superheated steam used is steam (dry steam), which are easily separated by condensation.
Deodorization process greatly influenced by pressure, temperature and time, all of which must be tailored to the type of crude oil is processed and used system processes. Operating temperature is maintained so as not to cause co terdistilasinya glycerides. Pressure cultivated as low as possible in order to protect the oil from oxidation by air and reduces the amount of steam consumption. In the batch system, the operating pressure of about 3 torr and temperature 240 oC.
4 Proses Deodorisasi
Proses deodorisasi bertujuan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan rasa dan bau yang tidak dikehendaki dalam minyak untuk makanan. Senyawa-senyawa yang menimbulkan rasa dan bau yang tidak enak tersebut biasanya berupa senyawa karbohidrat tak jenuh, asam lemak bebas dengan berat molekul rendah, senyawa-senyawa aldehid dan keton serta senyawa-senyawa yang mempunyai volatilitas tinggi lainnya. Kadar senyawa-senyawa tersebut di atas, walaupun cukup kecil telah cukup untuk memberikan rasa dan bau yang tidak enak, kadarnya antara 0,001 – 0,1 %.
Proses deodorisasi yang banyak dilakukan adalah cara distilasi uap yang didasarkan pada perbedaan harga volatilitas gliserida dengan senyawa-senyawa yang menimbulkan rasa dan bau tersebut, dimana senyawa-senyawa tersebut lebih mudah menguap dari pada gliserida. Uap yang digunakan adalah superheated steam (uap kering), yang mudah dipisahkan secara kondensasi.
Proses deodorisasi sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor tekanan, temperatur dan waktu, yang kesemuanya harus disesuaikan dengan jenis minyak mentah yang diolah dan sistim proses yang digunakan. Temperatur operasi dijaga agar tidak sampai menyebabkan turut terdistilasinya gliserida. Tekanan diusahakan serendah mungkin agar minyak terlindung dari oksidasi oleh udara dan mengurangi jumlah pemakaian uap. Pada sistem batch ini, tekanan operasi sekitar 3 torr dan temperatur 240 oC.
Fractionation process
Fractional crystallization process consists of a fraction of a solid at a given temperature and was followed by separation of the two factions that. The crystalline fraction is stearin and olein is the liquid that remains.
Some of the fractionation process that is often used is:
· Dry fractionation (fractionation without solvent).
· Wet fractionation (fractionation with solvents).
· The fractionation using detergent sodium lauryl sulphat.
Dry fractionation process based on oil cooling under controlled conditions without the addition of any chemicals. There are three operations involved in the seeding, crystallization and filtration. First oil is heated to 70 ° C to obtain a homogeneous liquid and then cooled with water cooling to a temperature of 40 ° C, then cooled till a temperature of 20 ° C and maintained until the crystallization process is considered complete.
Fractionation process
Fractional crystallization process consists of a fraction of a solid at a given temperature and was followed by separation of the two factions that. The crystalline fraction is stearin and olein is the liquid that remains.
Some of the fractionation process that is often used is:
· Dry fractionation (fractionation without solvent).
· Wet fractionation (fractionation with solvents).
· The fractionation using detergent sodium lauryl sulphat.
Dry fractionation process based on oil cooling under controlled conditions without the addition of any chemicals. There are three operations involved in the seeding, crystallization and filtration. First oil is heated to 70 ° C to obtain a homogeneous liquid and then cooled with water cooling to a temperature of 40 ° C, then cooled till a temperature of 20 ° C and maintained until the crystallization process is considered complete.
Proses Fraksionasi
Proses fraksionasi terdiri atas kristalisasi suatu fraksi yang menjadi padat pada temperatur tertentu dan disusul dengan pemisahan kedua fraksi itu. Fraksi yang menjadi kristal adalah stearin dan yang tetap cair adalah olein.
Beberapa proses fraksionasi yang sering digunakan yaitu :
· Fraksionasi kering (fraksionasi tanpa pelarut).
· Fraksionasi basah (fraksionasi dengan pelarut).
· Fraksionasi dengan menggunakan larutan deterjen sodium lauryl sulphat.
Proses fraksionasi kering didasarkan pada pendinginan minyak dengan kondisi yang terkendali tanpa penambahan bahan kimia apapun. Ada tiga operasi yang terlibat yaitu seeding, kristalisasi, dan filtrasi. Mula-mula minyak dipanasi sampai 70 oC untuk memperoleh cairan homogen dan kemudian didinginkan dengan air pendingin sampai temperatur 40 oC, selanjutnya didinginkan samapi temperatur 20 oC dan dipertahankan sampai proses kristalisasi dianggap selesai.

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