1 to 10 TON Fruit Bunch Per Hour

Mini Plant PKS
kapasitas 1 s/d 10 Ton/Jam
Mesin Pengolah TBS menjadi CPO

Various problems above have prompted his use of appropriate technology specifically designed for integrated oil palm farmers or farmer groups with a total land area of 100-300ha farm. Integrated technology that was developed has characteristics:
- simple
- cheap
- value-added
- environmentally sound
Berbagai permasalahan diatas telah mendorong digunakaNnya teknologi tepat guna yang terpadu yang khusus dirancang untuk petani kelapa sawit atau kelompok tani dengan total luas area kebun 100-300ha. Teknologi terpadu yang di kembangkan mempunyai ciri:
- Sederhana
- Murah
- Bernilai tambah
- Berwawasan lingkungan
Mini palm oil mill requires only 6 people labor / shift, including supervisors and technical personnel, using shells and empty fruit bunches as fuel, it is very easy to operate and requires only an area of + / -2 500 m2 to 250 m2 modest building. The design is fairly simple mini MCC so its maintenance is easy and can be done by a qualified technician with the STM.
a. Description Mini palm oil mill
Mini palm oil mill consists of 19 units of processing equipment, namely:
b. quality CPO
Oil palm has generated quality standards of Indonesian trade, the free fatty acid (FFA) <2.5%, water content and impurities <0.4%, and the yield of + / - 20%.
a. Description Mini palm oil mill
Mini palm oil mill consists of 19 units of processing equipment, namely:
- One unit boiler steam capacity of 600 kg / hr.
- a sterilizer unit capacity of 1 tonne of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) per hour.
- One unit thrasher / threser.
- One unit of Fruit elevators.
- One unit of digester.
- a mini screw press unit capacity of 1 ton FFB / hour.
- One unit of sand trap.
- One unit of Vibrating Screen.
- One unit of crude oil tank c / w pump.
- One unit clarification tank.
- One unit of the oil tank capacity of 25 tonnes of CPO.
- One unit confeyor cake breaker.
- One unit fiber separator.
- One unit confeyor nut c / w nut bin.
- One unit ripple mill capacity of 500 kg seeds / hour
- One unit 80 KVA genset
- The electrical installation package.
- One package of piping and valves.
- One package installation, testing and training.
b. quality CPO
Oil palm has generated quality standards of Indonesian trade, the free fatty acid (FFA) <2.5%, water content and impurities <0.4%, and the yield of + / - 20%.
PKS mini hanya memerlukan tenaga kerja 6 orang/shift termasuk pengawas dan tenaga teknik, memanfaatkan cangkang dan tandan kosong sebagai bahan bakar, sangat mudah di oprasikan dan hanya memerlukan lahan seluas +/-2.500 m2 dengan bangunan sederhana seluas 250 m2 . Rancangan PKS mini cukup sederhana sehingga pemeliharaanya mudah dan dapat di lakukan oleh teknisi dengan kualifikasi STM.
a. Deskripsi PKS mini
PKS mini terdiri dari 19 unit peralatan pengolahan yaitu:
- Satu unit boiler kapasitas 600 kg uap/jam.
- satu unit sterilizer kapasitas 1 ton tandan buah segar (TBS) per jam.
- Satu unit mesin penebah /threser.
- Satu unit Fruit elevator.
- Satu unit digester.
- satu unit screw press mini kapasitas 1 ton TBS/jam.
- Satu unit sand trap.
- Satu unit Vibrating Screen.
- Satu unit crude oil tank c/w pump.
- Satu unit tangki klarifikasi.
- Satu unit tangki penampung minyak kapasitas 25 ton CPO.
- Satu unit cake breaker confeyor.
- Satu unit fiber separator.
- Satu unit nut confeyor c/w nut bin.
- Satu unit ripple mill kapasitas 500 kg biji/jam
- Satu unit genset 80 KVA
- Satu paket instalasi listrik.
- Satu paket piping dan valves.
- Satu paket pemasangan, uji coba dan training.
b. Mutu CPO
Minyak sawit yang di hasilkan mempunyai mutu sesuai standar perdagangan Indonesia, yaitu asam lemak bebas (ALB) < 2,5 %, kadar air dan kotoran < 0,4 %, serta rendemen +/- 20 %.
a. The quality of raw materials.
In financial studies assumed that oil would yield obtained was 20%. Yield of 20% or more can be achieved only if the quality of palm fruit in though is pretty good and comes from Indonesian palm oil industry has a great opportunity and come from fruits tenera (DXP). In some people's palm oil plantations, occasional contamination with Dura kind of fruit or Visifera result of planting the seeds in doubt his authenticity. Consequently, the yield of oil will not be able to reach 20% so it would not be financially feasible. Unlike conventional Palm oil mill, the influence of non Tenera fruit on Mini Palm oil mill is huge due to the yield of fruit is processed only 20 tons / day.
b. Location mini palm oil
Mini palm oill mill designed for the "remote", the area of oil palm plantations away from Palm oil mill that conventional freight of fresh fruit bunches (FB) to conventional Palm oil mill can be cut. For their fields, which are located near the Mini conventional palm oil mill no problem with FB marketing, establishment of mini palm oil mill not recommended. Likewise for PIR gardens that still has a contract with Palm oil mill.
c. aspects licensing
To permit the establishment of gardens and mini palm oil mill has been regulated in Decree of the Minister No. 357 farms in 2002. In the decree stated that all efforts should establish plantations partner with people in various forms of mutually beneficial partnerships. For mini palm oil mill, the decree also applies to so hopefully it will not happen the things that are not desirable in the presence of mini palm oil mill
d. maintenance Agreement
mini palm oil mill is designed with a simple concept in maintenance, so expect a mini palm oil mill maintenance can be performed by qualified personnel with high technical level with the school. The existence of mini palm oil mill, is also expected to stimulate the development of local workshops for maintenance of mini palm oil mill.
e. CPO marketing aspect
CPO marketing and products olahanya is key to the success of mini palm oil mill. Mini palm oil mill management had cooperated directly with the buyer or user so that the marketing of CPO production mini palm oil mill guaranteed. This is very important because the mini palm oil mill has only tank that can accommodate CPO production for 5 days, so the schedule for shipments must be planned carefully.
Indonesian palm oil industry has a great opportunity to grow. Technology mini palm oil industry that are environmentally friendly, simple and easy to operate, is the answer to improving the welfare of farmers.
a. The quality of raw materials.
In financial studies assumed that oil would yield obtained was 20%. Yield of 20% or more can be achieved only if the quality of palm fruit in though is pretty good and comes from Indonesian palm oil industry has a great opportunity and come from fruits tenera (DXP). In some people's palm oil plantations, occasional contamination with Dura kind of fruit or Visifera result of planting the seeds in doubt his authenticity. Consequently, the yield of oil will not be able to reach 20% so it would not be financially feasible. Unlike conventional Palm oil mill, the influence of non Tenera fruit on Mini Palm oil mill is huge due to the yield of fruit is processed only 20 tons / day.
b. Location mini palm oil
Mini palm oill mill designed for the "remote", the area of oil palm plantations away from Palm oil mill that conventional freight of fresh fruit bunches (FB) to conventional Palm oil mill can be cut. For their fields, which are located near the Mini conventional palm oil mill no problem with FB marketing, establishment of mini palm oil mill not recommended. Likewise for PIR gardens that still has a contract with Palm oil mill.
c. aspects licensing
To permit the establishment of gardens and mini palm oil mill has been regulated in Decree of the Minister No. 357 farms in 2002. In the decree stated that all efforts should establish plantations partner with people in various forms of mutually beneficial partnerships. For mini palm oil mill, the decree also applies to so hopefully it will not happen the things that are not desirable in the presence of mini palm oil mill
d. maintenance Agreement
mini palm oil mill is designed with a simple concept in maintenance, so expect a mini palm oil mill maintenance can be performed by qualified personnel with high technical level with the school. The existence of mini palm oil mill, is also expected to stimulate the development of local workshops for maintenance of mini palm oil mill.
e. CPO marketing aspect
CPO marketing and products olahanya is key to the success of mini palm oil mill. Mini palm oil mill management had cooperated directly with the buyer or user so that the marketing of CPO production mini palm oil mill guaranteed. This is very important because the mini palm oil mill has only tank that can accommodate CPO production for 5 days, so the schedule for shipments must be planned carefully.
Indonesian palm oil industry has a great opportunity to grow. Technology mini palm oil industry that are environmentally friendly, simple and easy to operate, is the answer to improving the welfare of farmers.
a. Kualitas bahan baku .
Pada kajian financial di asumsikan bahwa rendemen minyak yang akan di peroleh adalah 20%. Rendemen sebesar 20% atau lebih hanya dapat di capai apabila kualitas buah sawit yang di olah adalah cukup baik dan berasal dari industri kelapa sawit Indonesia mempunyai peluang yang sangat baik dan berasal dari buah tenera (DxP). Pada beberapa perkebunan sawit rakyat, kadang-kadang terjadi kontaminasi dengan buah jenis Dura atau Pisifera kibat dari penanaman dengan benih yang di ragukan keaslianya. Konsekuensinya, rendemen minyak tidak akan dapat mencapai 20% sehingga secara financial tidak akan layak. Berbeda dengan PKS konvensional, pengaruh buah non Tenera pada PKS mini sangat besar terhadap rendemen karena buah yang diolah hanya 20 ton/hari.
b. Lokasi PKS mini
PKS mini dirancang untuk daerah “remote”, yaitu daerah yang jauh dari PKS konvensional sehingga ongkos angkut TBS ke PKS konvensional bias di pangkas. Untuk kebun rakyat yang lokasinya dekat PKS konvensional serta tidak ada masalah dengan pemasaran TBS, pendirian PKS mini tidak di sarankan. Demikian juga untuk Kebun PIR yang masih mempunyai ikatan kontrak dengan kebun inti.
c. Aspek perijinan
Ijin Untuk pendirian kebun dan PKS telah di atur dalam SK Menteri pertanian No 357 tahun 2002. Pada SK tersebut disebutkan bahwa semua usaha perkebunan harus menjalin mitra dengan rakyat dalam berbagai bentuk kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan. Untuk PKS mini, SK tersebut juga berlaku sehingga diharapkan tidak akan terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan dengan keberadaan PKS mini.
d. Pemeliharaan PKS
PKS mini dirancang dengan konsep kesederhanaan dalam pemeliharaanya sehingga diharapkan pemeliharaan PKS dapat dilakukan oleh tenaga dengan kualifikasi setingkat dengan STM. Keberadaan PKS mini juga diharapkan dapat merangsang perkembangan bengkel lokal untuk pemeliharaan PKS.
e. Aspek pemasaran CPO
Pemasaran CPO serta produk-produk olahanya adalah kunci dari kesuksesan PKS mini. Pengelolaan PKS mini harus menjalin kerjasama dengan pembeli atau pemakai langsung sehingga pemasaran CPO hasil produksi PKS mini terjamin. Hal ini sangat penting karena PKS mini hanya memiliki tangki CPO yang dapat menampung produksi untuk 5 hari, sehingga jadwal pengiriman CPO harus terencana dengan matang.
Industri kelapa sawit Indonesia mempunyai peluang yang sangat baik untuk berkembang. Tehnologi industri kelapa sawit mini yang ramah lingkungan, sederhana dan mudah di operasikan, merupakan jawaban dalam upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani.
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